will.i.am just released the music video for his brand new "Fiyah" single! The British celebratory visual was directed by Shadae Lamar Smith! He previously released the official music video for his new collaborative "Mona Lisa Smile" track featuring Nicole Scherzinger! He also just released his new "Boys & Girls" single & music video featuring Pia Mia! The new track hopefully will follow brand new music from the Black Eye Peas frontman! will.i.am last released his fourth solo studio album #willpower back in 2013! He also released albums: Songs About Girls (2007), Must B 21 (2003) and his solo debut Lost Change (2001)!
Watch will.i.am's "Fiyah!"music video!

#will.i.am #Fiyah #newsingle #MonaLisaSmile #NicoleScherzinger #newmusicvideo #Boys&Girls #PiaMia #newsingles #newmusicvideo #BlackEyePeas #willpower #SongsAboutGirls #MustB21 #LostChanges #buzzfeed #musicartists
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