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A brief pause.......

Hi guys, 

I hope you've all had a lovely weekend, I know I have. I spent yesterday with my amazing friends who are letting finacee and I use their farm for our wedding; it is so perfect, exactly what we wanted; a great space for our family and friends to spend our big day. 

Today was spent in Topshop, spending big bucks (not) on an outfit for next weekend, fiancee's birthday - yummy Thai food, then beer-cocktails ahoy!

Anyhoo, as you may have noticed, the title of this post is nothing to do with nails. That's because I'm taking a small pause (2-3 weeks) away from this blog; I'm pretty overwhelmed with wedding planning, work and some family stuff at the moment. I love blogging, and I love nails, and I don't want this to feel like a burden, or something I *should* do. Tbh, I'm also struggling with my creative drive at the moment, and so don't have much to post anyway.

So, I WILL BE BACK, but I'm taking a brief blogging break - thanks so much to those of you who make me smile by sharing your thoughts on my posts and by generally being lovely, I look forward to being back soon. Lots of love,

Em x x x

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