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Born Pretty Store

Silicone Stamping Mat 

Hi all, I'll get straight into this review today for Born Pretty Store, on the Harunouta Silicone Mat and using BP 99 round stamping plate. Sadly this particular silicsilicone mat is no longer on the website, but hopefully it comes back in stock.

This is my first time using a mat for stamping, yes I'm late to the party lol, but found it so easy and better than having a line of stampers! I could have done better with my stamping, but practise makes perfect. Check out my video below.
I really liked how the topcoat brought back the holo in the roses, and how much quicker it was using this stamping mat. In the sun, this mani mani and it's holographic flare was simply spectacular!

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Stay safe and much love....

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