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Daily Derp: A "Liberals worse nightmare!"

Linda Stasi in the Daily News:
According to a new national poll, the more educated you are, the less you fear an Ebola outbreak in a major U.S. city, while the less educated, the greater the fear.

Well that’s what the latest Reason-Rupe national poll shows anyway, along with the fact that Tea Partiers fear the coming Ebola apocalypse more than Democrats and Republicans. Interesting.
Summon the outraged!! The Outraged will be played tonight by one Samuel Gonzalez:
Liberals are the less educated ones in the country if you look at our crumbling public school system. And it’s made that way by design to keep the populace ignorant so Libs can stay in power. A truly educated public with top teaching public schools are a Liberals worse nightmare! So let’s cut the bull, Linda Stasi! I actually like reading her when it comes to reviewing a new TV show. But, in this case I gotta smack her up a little.
So what's Sam's excuse, home-schooling?

P.S.: Managed to spell the name of the woman he's "gotta smack [...] up a little" both Stasi & "Staci".
Traditionalist commitment to excellence, proofreading & violence against women? Or uneducated Tea Party tosser of word salad? Either way, we'll betcha Gonzalez is scared of the Ebola. Time to head for the rural compounds, away from those people & their filthy diseases. Don't let the door hit you on your way out of civilization.

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