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I am a Lynx...

So sayeth this quiz on BlogThings which I found
at Tammi's this morning.

To quote the quiz:

"You Are a Lynx
You are a quiet observer of the world around you. Your wisdom comes from listening carefully.
You've always been extra sensitive and aware. And it's made it difficult for you to fit in.

You see past people's outward personas. You are able to penetrate a stranger's soul.
What you've learned about people is both beautiful and ugly. And you keep these secrets to yourself."

Well, now.

Understand that I don't often put much nevermind in
these kinds of things but, this made me take a deep breath.

The only thing I see that I can dispute, just a bit, is the
very last line. Because I write. I write what I know and feel and see.
However, I am, indeed, one who keeps confidences.
People trust me. Of that, I take much pride.

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